There is an old saying in management, if you want to improve something, start by measuring it, or you won't see how to make a difference. This is the basic philosophy of Your World of Wellness and it is also the prime advantage offered by mobile health monitoring devices, in combination with our scientifically validated Wellness Test, that provides a profound baseline measurement of your health.

Self-monitoring or self-tracking is where you use intelligent tools like wearable sensors and mobile apps to collect, process and display a wealth of personal data to help you or your doctor monitor and manage all aspects of your personal health and wellbeing. In the event of wellness and preventive healthcare, the advantage of today's self-tracking tools is that seeing the numbers instantly is motivational: they reward you when you do well and they spur you to do something when you feel lazy.

Several studies (1 & 2) have shown that people who track their own health make better health-related choices. Tracking via mobile and personal tech devices has proven to be the most effective method of self-health monitoring. Therefore, these devices fit perfectly in the programs and services offered by Your World of Wellness, especially when used in combination with our Wellness Test, that provides an in-depth insight in your current health status.

With the wide variety of factors involved in maintaining a nutritious and healthy lifestyle, sometimes it can be hard to identity whether or not you're on the right track. Furthermore, since there are lots of devices out there, it is not easy to separate the good ones from the bad ones.

However, maybe even more important is to realize that mobile devices as a stand-alone tool will not provide you with an optimal result because you won't know where you started. Most of the currently available devices can support you in your health-improving journey and they can assist you in monitoring your health status, but in order to be of maximum value, most of these devices benefit from the support of a profound baseline measurement providing in-depth insight in your current health status before starting to choose and use it.

For this situation the Wellness Test, developed by Your World of Wellness, provides the solution. It is a profound baseline measurement covering many aspects of your health in the field of Nutrition, Exercise and Relaxation. This way offering you maximum value when using these mobile health devices.

The advantages of this profound baseline measurement of your health are twofold:
1) Insight in your weak spots: Through our scientifically validated Wellness Test, we discover your weak spots in respect of Nutrition, Exercise and Relaxation, thereby providing detailed insight in what health aspects you should ideally focus on in order to live a happy and healthy live. This way you can focus on those devices that are most suitable for you and not just picking the ones you like, without knowing whether you really need them. Especially in the case of wellness and prevention programs, a baseline measurement provides you with a clear overview in what direction you should be heading.

2) Tracking & Motivating: By tracking your progress with the various mobile devices and comparing it with your health situation from the start, you will be more motivated and therefore the device will better be able to guide and support you to your optimal state of wellbeing, compared with the situation where you don't know your starting point in respect of Nutrition, Exercise and/or Relaxation.

In collaboration with top tier partners in the mobile health technology sector, Your World of Wellness is continuously identifying new devices that offer the best way to support you with your health program. Furthermore, in combination with our scientifically validated Wellness Test, you will stay motivated and you will focus first and foremost on those aspects of your health that are most important in your specific situation. Finally, the results of the Wellness Test makes it easy for you to choose the right device(s) to support you.

1. Mobile Health News. Fitbit study: UK adults find mobile health tracking, not public messaging, effective. Available at: Accessibility verified December 16, 2013. 
2. Pew Internet & American Life Project. Tracking for Health. Available at: Accessibility verified December 16, 2013.


Several studies have shown that if you track your own health, you make better health-related choices. Tracking via mobile health monitoring devices has proven to be the most effective method of self-health monitoring. Therefore, these devices fit perfectly in the programs and services offered by Your World of Wellness.

For more information about the specific characteristics of each device, please click below on the device of your choice. In case you have already chosen the product(s) you wish to purchase, please proceed by adding the selected item(s) to your cart.

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