About us

Your World of Wellness is a specialized service provider in the area of preventive healthcare. We are part of The Infinite WoW Group a group of companies involved in wellness, curative and preventive healthcare.

Our approach is somewhat idealistic. Our mission is to offer services focused on raising your quality of life. This we do by offering personalised wellness programs that are easy to follow and easy to maintain. Whether it's for you or for your company.

For many years we have been performing research and developing methods and programs for innovative healthcare and wellness services. This follows our belief that services in preventive healthcare and wellness should be more specific and should take into account much more your personal wishes and your individual characteristics.

Conventional health and wellness programs are typically medically, or beauty oriented and do not take into account your individual health status and your personal goals. Furthermore, most programs do not offer the kind of multidimensional and holistic care, which will bring long-term benefits. 

Our point of view is that your wellness program should first offer a profound lifestyle check where you are the starting point, giving you detailed insight in your current lifestyle, before suggesting where to go. In our vision you should be the central focus: you deserve in-depth advice and support based on your personal characteristics and goals. 

At Your World of Wellness we start from the beginning, working with you to get a good picture of your past, present, and future health before embarking on the road to lasting well-being. For this reason we have developed preventive healthcare services and wellness programs putting you at center stage, starting with a Baseline Measurement of your lifestyle, the Wellness Test®.

The Wellness Test® provides you with a tool to continuously monitor and control your own lifestyle, supported by the latest technologies. From this test follows a personal Wellness Index® which lays the foundation for your personal report and your tailor made program, the PHMP® (Personal Health Maintenance Program). This provides you with immediate insight in your lifestyle and we give advice on how to improve this lifestyle.

Through comprehensive personal advice, individual guidance and support through mobile health monitoring devices, we deliver real results, both in the short term and in the long term. Your World of Wellness sets itself apart from all other service providers in preventive healthcare by offering services that are based on a:

1. Scientifically validated Wellness Test® where a baseline measurement of your lifestyle is the starting point;

2. Tailor made program providing you with detailed and clear insight in your lifestyle and offering you continuous monitoring;

3. Holistic approach, covering nutrition, exercise and relaxation with detailed lifestyle advice on these 3 topics;

4. Clever use of the latest technologies and supporting mobile health monitoring devices that are easy to use.

You can choose from different types of membership to cater for your personal interests and lifestyle. Your WoW Index is our introductory membership that provides you with detailed insight in your health and advice how to improve your lifestyle through an in-depth Personal Health Maintenance Program. At the other end of the spectrum you'll find our most luxury membership, Your WoW Experience for extensive and individualized guidance and attention. Here, you’ll embark on a sophisticated membership community whose participants enjoy the finer things in life. You will be supported with year round personal coaching and the latest technologies to make your health-improving journey as easy, exclusive and personalised as possible.

In order to provide you with maximum flexibility and the most suitable & tailor made services, our memberships can be individually configured and extended according to your wishes. We keep on striving to provide you with an ample selection of programs at the best value for money, great customer service, and we do our best to improve your quality of life with innovative, personalised and high quality services.

Our professionals and partners go through extensive screening before we welcome them to our team. Our partners are trained in depth to make sure they can offer you the best professional services for a realistic price and delivering a true and distinctive experience. Furthermore, our wellness professionals are always on constant training and further certifications so as to remain on top of their game. We want to impress you with the WoW factor.

One of our founding partners is INNIT. Through this partnership we have direct access to over 2 million companies, and many affiliated partners in over 150 countries. The economic benefits resulting from these collaborations and this massive reach are passed on to you as much as possible.

Copyright Your World Of Wellness © 2014

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