Your WoW Index

Your World of Wellness offers preventive healthcare services for companies and private individuals. Below we will explain the services and benefits we offer to private individuals. In case you would like to know more about what we can do for your company, please click here.

Our introductory membership is Your WoW Index. It provides progressive, life-changing insights and tools to realize your personal optimal state of wellbeing. We use your input and our scientifically based Wellness Test® to develop your health improvement program.

The key to Your WoW Index is the ability to create and follow your own personal nutrition, exercise and relaxation program, thereby following a holistic approach. The program helps to regain a healthy and enduring lifestyle, based on those three elements.

The fundamentals of Your WoW Index are:
• The Wellness Test®
• The Wellness Index®
• The Personal Health Maintenance Program®

The Wellness Test® is a baseline measurement of your lifestyle. It focuses on you, your characteristics and your personal goals. The result of your Wellness Test® forms the basis for calculating a personalized Wellness Index®. From this follows your Personal Health Maintenance Program® or PHMP®. This provides you with detailed recommendations on how to achieve your optimal state of wellbeing.

Furthermore, Your WoW Index offers many other benefits like:
• Discounts on products available in the web shop
• Discounts on services offered by affiliated partners
• An online magazine providing you with the latest health news and insights
• A membership card to access the various services at home or abroad

Below you will find the details of the fundamentals of Your WoW Index.

It is generally accepted that a healthy lifestyle will contribute to an individual’s good health. To determine your current lifestyle, we have developed the Wellness Test®, all components of which have been scientifically validated.

The Wellness Test® consists of a digital part to be taken online and a physical part to be conducted in one of our dedicated test centers. The digital part can be updated continuously online with new data, so you can track your own progress. The physical part of the test is taken once a year. The diagram shows the Wellness Test® in schematic form.

The first part of your Wellness Test® consists of an elaborate survey (the digital test) that contributes to your World of Wellness profile. You can register on our website and instantly become a member. You will then receive an e-mail with your Membership Number, a User ID and a password which will grant you access to your Personal Page on our website.

When you login, you will be invited to take the digital test. This test consists of a survey (anamnesis) and is subdivided into:
• General questions
• Questions with respect to your eating and drinking habits
• Questions regarding your daily activities 
• Questions concerning stress

The digital Wellness Test® will result in recommendations that we will give you as regards to your personal situation. The data you supply will compliment the data collected during the physical assessment. 

The second part of our Wellness evaluation is the physical test, conducted in a dedicated test centre near you. This part of your test consists of:
• A biometric assessment
• A physiological stress assessment
• A fitness assessment
• A blood assessment 
• A bioimpedance analysius 

The results from both the electronic and physical evaluation are posted to your Personal Page on our website.  Should any of the results show areas of medical concern, we will advise you to consult with your personal physician.

The results of your Wellness Test® are the basis for calculating a personalized Wellness Index®. The Wellness Index® is the weighted average of the following indices:
• Body Index
• Nutrition Index
• Physical Activity Index
• Energy Index
• Stress Index 
• CHD Index

The latter index is an indication of your 10-year risk profile in terms of coronary heart diseases. 

The foregoing indices are expressed in a number between 0 and 10 and are all relative. With relative we mean that each result from a particular element of the Wellness Test® is compared with a person of the same age, the same gender and the same height who lives a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle means a lifestyle that meets the guidelines of the National Academy of Sciences, the World Health Organization and the American College of Sports Medicine (ASCM). The Wellness Index® is an excellent indicator of your current lifestyle.

No two people are alike – which is why we have developed the Personal Health Maintenance Program (PHMP®). As the word “maintenance” suggests, it's about looking after your health using a program put together on the basis of your Wellness Test® results. Your PHMP® is posted to your Personal Page on our website. 

It's not a fixed program but a continuous one and it offers the possibility to continuously track your progress. Your PHMP® is not static but dynamic, and it adapts to how you are doing in your program. 

The Wellness Test® results form the basis for your PHMP®. It provides detailed recommendations on how to achieve your optimal state of wellbeing. Your PHMP® reflects your circumstances, your ambitions, and the things you enjoy doing. It forms the basis for a unique life changing experience that focuses on your health and your definition of wellbeing. The recommendations in the program include suggestions for improvement in Nutrition, Exercise and Relaxation.

Emphasizing Nutrition, you will learn the basics of what and how to eat. You might want to lose a few kilos by learning to cook healthier, using fresh, organic ingredients.

As the name suggests, Exercise focuses on fitness. You might want to improve your fitness level to run the New York Marathon some day. Your program ensures that the exercises are geared specifically to suit you, your routine, and your pace.

Finally, Relaxation covers, among others, suggestions for yoga and meditation aimed at helping you to reconnect with your inner self and obtain a healthy mind in a healthy body.

In the case of Your WoW Index, the PHMP® assumes a high degree of self-motivation. However, if you prefer further professional coaching and more personal support, complemented with the latest health monitoring devices, you might decide to upgrade to Your WoW Coach or Your WoW Experience

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