Your WoW Coach

Following the introductory membership Your WoW Index as explained in the previous section, you might decide to opt for a more encompassing membership type and get even more serious about your health. In that case you might want to upgrade to Your WoW Coach or maybe even to Your WoW Experience, our most exclusive membership. This section describes the characteristics and benefits of Your WoW Coach.

Your WoW Coach is an extended version of Your WoW Index and it is (again) founded on the baseline measurement of your lifestyle.

It therefore includes again all characteristics mentioned in the previous section, like the Wellness Test® providing you with detailed insight into your current lifestyle, as well as your Personalized Health Maintenance Program, PHMP®, providing you with in depth recommendations to improve your lifestyle. Like Your WoW Index, it focuses on you, your characteristics and your personal goals. 

However, in addition to Your WoW Index, Your WoW Coach goes further by using mobile health monitoring devices and it provides you with digital coaching as well. You will receive a wristband that is capable of measuring various parameters related to your health. This device is connected to an app for your Smartphone that we have developed, which is also included in Your WoW Coach. These technologies support you in reaching your health objectives in a convenient way, they are easy to use and they keep you motivated.

As regards to digital coaching, on your personal webpage you will find many coaching videos to support you in your goals regarding Exercise, Nutrition and Relaxation. These videos provide live guidance in real time from professional fitness instructors, Yoga teachers, Dieticians and Chefs. 

Furthermore, the videos on the subjects Relaxation and Exercise will show you how to use the Home Training Kit. This kit is also included in Your WoW Coach and it is ideal if you want to raise your fitness level or if you wish to do some Yoga exercises at home. In conjunction with the videos, the Home Training Kit provides you with the necessary tools to boost your body and relax.

In addition to the Home Training Kit, the coaching videos and the mobile health monitoring technology with corresponding app, Your WoW Coach can be configured to your own personal taste. It can be further extended, for example to include personal guidance in the area of Nutrition, Exercise or Relaxation to support you even better.

For this purpose we have developed specific modules, where you choose on which one to focus. The results of your Wellness Test® and your PHMP® will support you in choosing the right module for your situation. Please keep in mind however, that the other elements are still being taken into account, it’s just that you focus a bit more on the specific module that is most appropriate for your situation.The following options are available:

The Feel Well® program offers special therapies relating to Medical Wellness. Medical Wellness, as defined by the Medical Wellness Association, is the practice of health and medical care relating to wellness outcomes. Examples are acupuncture, homeopathy, herbal therapy, sound massage therapy and metabolic therapies.

For people who have specific problems like high blood pressure or people who live with a chronic illness like rheumatoid arthritis, special programs are available. Our partners for the Feel Well® program offer the best natural therapies, from traditional Chinese medicine to the most advanced Western techniques. Therapies also include programs focused on psychological problems.

As regards to orthopedics, some of the affiliated partners treat ailments of the locomotor system, for instance problems of the spine, inflammatory rheumatic and degenerative conditions, and traumas resulting from accidents and injuries. In addition, they offer a diverse range of pain relief and treatment options. When injuries occur or degenerative diseases develop, we are able to help those afflicted with these ailments get their lives back on track.

All Medical Wellness programs and therapies that are on offer through our various partners are under supervision of excellent medical staff and the best doctors in the field.

In case of Your WoW Experience, some of the affiliated destinations that you can choose from for your annual stay are fully equipped to allow you to follow your personal program with the main focus on Medical Wellness. During your week's stay you can enjoy various treatments, participate in therapies and you will get personal advise in this respect based on your PHMP® and what you have achieved so far.

Affiliated Centers for Treatment & Therapies
We will provide you with a Feel Well® program based on your PHMP®, which can be customized for example with specific sessions or treatments in an affiliated center in your area that we have pre-selected for you. Here you can participate in specific individual treatments or group therapies tailored to your needs, all guided by professionals. For an overview of the affiliated centers for treatments & therapies in your area, please click here.

Examples of services and treatments:
Metabolism: In case your metabolism has slowed down and you are gaining weight despite eating healthier and exercising more than you ever did, your Wellness Test® will evaluate in depth all conditions that might affect your metabolism. The resulting PHMP® provides the foundation for improving your metabolic rate. In combination with the nutrition element, you will learn how to make sure that your body obtains the necessary nutritional requirements that are unique to your chemistry.

Heart & Cholesterol:
In the event you have suffered a heart attack or in case you’re dangerously close to one, or in the event your cholesterol level is too high, your PHMP® will work towards giving yourself back the healthy heart you once had. During your treatment, you will lower the bad cholesterol LDL, lower the intake of saturated fat in your diet and lose weight/body fat. In combination with the other elements relaxation, nutrition and exercise, your holistic PHMP® will make sure you obtain your goals and emerge feeling more active and alive.

Diabetes Control:
If your blood sugar is rising and you would like to eliminate your dependence on medication, your PHMP® will work towards obtaining just that. By a holistic program and lifestyle changes suggested by your PHMP® you will start eating well, losing weight, and live a healthier live. The goal is to decrease your glucose level to the point at which you will be relieved from diabetes, and insulin shots or oral drugs will be history.

High Blood Pressure:
In case your blood pressure is too high and you would prefer to control it naturally through nutrition and exercise, your PHMP® will provide a personalized program to facilitate this. Your Feel Well® program will offer you the tools and techniques to reduce blood pressure to the point that medication may no longer be needed. This will include enhanced physical activity, limiting saturated fat and eating healthier.

Lifestyle changes, including exercise and weight control, can help you manage arthritis and significantly lessen discomfort caused by joint pain. Physical exercise of the affected joint can have noticeable improvement in terms of long-term pain relief. One of the other important aspects is to lose excess weight that puts added stress on the joints. Your PHMP® will be based on those elements to help you obtaining the necessary results.

Exercise is essential for a healthy mind and body. If your test results suggest an increase in physical activity, your personal activities program Move Well® gives you the opportunity to exercise following a tailor-made schedule.

This focus could target, or be combined with, other essential elements, including stress relief and weight loss through a suitable diet. Your Move Well® program is customized and holistic, always keeping in mind the other main elements, relaxation and nutrition. Furthermore, we cater to all levels and abilities.

You can track your progress and receive feedback from the mobile health monitoring devices that you have selected, which are connected to the app we have developed for your Smartphone. These technologies will keep you motivated and are easy to use.

Furthermore, In case of Your WoW Experience, the destinations that you can choose from for your annual stay are fully equipped to allow you to follow your personal program with the main focus on exercise. During your week's stay you can follow many different classes and courses and you will get personal advise and training in this respect based on your PHMP® and what you have achieved so far.

Coaching Videos
Special training videos will guide you on the exercise element throughout the year to be able to continuously improve your lifestyle by helping you to attain your goals. This will assure you to fully benefit from the exercise program that we have created for you and to further develop insights and techniques. As an example, you may choose a video to help you train for the New York Marathon next year.

The specialized exercise coaching videos that Your World of Wellness offers you are based upon the 1996 Physical Activity and Health report published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Home Training Kit®
The WoW Home Training Kit® consists of an exercise mat, an exercise ball, a resistance tube and two weights. This kit is part of your program and you will receive it when purchasing your membership.

Together with the coaching videos, you are able to implement your exercise program with the assistance of a coach. In each video this professional coach will demonstrate the use of the Home Training Kit®.

Affiliated Sport Centers
We will provide you with a custom-made sports program based on your PHMP®. As regards to the exercise element, you can customize your program for example with Personal Training sessions or even a subscription for an affiliated gym near you. Here you can follow individual classes or group sessions tailored to your needs. For an overview of the affiliated Sport Centers in your area, please click here.

The exercise element is outlined by the sport activities geared towards improving your skills and endurance. The selected gym in your area offers a wide variety of classes and courses all guided by professional instructors and it is fully equipped to allow you to follow your personal program with the main focus on exercise. Your PHMP® could also be supported with lessons from a Personal Trainer near you.

Sport activities are focused on three main categories (depending on the sports centre): water, land and indoor sports. Each of the three segments offers professional supervision and coaching.

What to expect from exercise facilities in your Sport Center Health club.
The health club has a main workout area, which primarily consists of free weights including dumbbells, barbells and the latest exercise machines.  

• Cardio centre.
The cardio centre has many types of state-of the art cardiovascular training equipment such as treadmills, stationary bikes, rowing machines and elliptical trainers. The area is also equipped with a number of audio-visual displays to keep you entertained during your cardio workout sessions. In most cases your mobile health monitoring device(s) and the health app for your phone we provide you with, could be connected to these machines. 

• Group exercise classes.
Your Gym offers daily group exercise classes that are conducted by qualified fitness instructors. In this respect you should think of aerobics, cycling (spinning), boxing, high intensity training, regular and Bikram Yoga, Pilates and muscle training.  

• Personal training.
You can use professional Personal Trainers who can assess your training and fitness goals. They also provide advice and consultations on nutrition and general health. Combined with the nutritional element, your Personal Trainer can adapt a fitness routine to help achieve your goals.

• Swimming Pool.
Depending on the sports centre, a swimming pool might be available. Here you could follow private swimming lessons or Aqua Aerobics for example.
In selected sports centers you will also be able to follow outdoor classes.

Purchase Products with discount
Furthermore, if you wish to increase your fitness level or your muscle mass, you can purchase home fitness equipment from our selected partners with discount in the web shop. For instance, we offer a treadmill and a cross trainer for your cardiovascular exercises. You could also choose the PowerPlate MY5, which helps to train and increase your muscle mass. The accompanying coaching videos will show you precisely how to use the equipment.

Nutrition is of paramount importance for a good health. Therefore, nutrition and healthy food always play an important role in all of our programs. However, as regards to your Eat Well® program we go a bit further: In this case, amongst others, you can enjoy nutritional education, and ongoing personal dietary consultations.

We can provide you with a tailor-made diet program that suits your specific needs. For example, if your PHMP® suggests you should lose weight, you will learn how to prepare low calorie meals. Services can also include cooking lessons by individual coaches. These help you to focus on how and what you eat. During your program our highly qualified chefs can teach you how to prepare healthy meals.

The nutrition focus could be combined with other essential elements, including exercise and relaxation. Your Eat Well® program is customized and holistic, always keeping in mind the other main elements, exercise and relaxation. Furthermore, the basis for your Eat Well® program is the guideline developed by the US National Academy of Sciences.

You can track your progress and receive feedback from the mobile health monitoring devices that you have selected, which are connected to the app we have developed for your Smartphone. These technologies will keep you motivated and are easy to use. On top of that, you can purchase additional supporting devices and many other items from our selected partners with discount in the web shop.

Furthermore, In case of Your WoW Experience, the destinations that you can choose from for your annual stay are fully equipped to allow you to follow your personal program with the main focus on nutrition. During your week's stay you can follow many different classes and courses and you will get personal advise and training in this respect based on your PHMP® and what you have achieved so far. Obviously at your destination you will have a wide and international variety of healthy delicious food and drinks at your disposal.

Coaching Videos
For your convenience and further education cooking classes are available on video, so you can view it at home whenever you wish. These videos help you create both nutritious and tasty meals. This will assure you to fully benefit from the Eat Well® program that we have created for you and to develop insights and techniques.

We guide you step-by step through the process of how to prepare a tasty and satisfying meal that has the ‘WoW’-factor. The only thing you have to do is to visit your personal Web page where you can download the list of ingredients and the cooking videos. You will be able to prepare your meal in conjunction with our chef who will share all the ‘tricks of the trade’. We will work with you and provide relevant nutritional tools to meet your individual goals in the comfort and convenience of your home.

Affiliated Dieticians & Chefs
Your World of Wellness provides you with a nutrition program based on your PHMP®, which you can customize for example with personal consultations from a dietician in your area. If, for example, your nutritional program shows that you should stop using all products derived wholly or partially from animals, your dietician will still find many options to enjoy a tasty meal.

In addition, your Eat Well® program could also include weekly live cooking classes with an experienced Chef in your area who will demonstrate how to prepare many dishes based on the latest trends in health food.

For an overview of affiliated dieticians and cooking studios near you, please click here.

In the Relax Well® program, the main focus is on relaxation. Private Yoga teachers and Meditation instructors will help you achieve a higher level of awareness. However, you can also enjoy the relaxing power of Chinese massage or learn how to improve your concentration.

The relaxation focus could be combined with other essential elements, including exercise and weight loss through a suitable diet. Your Relax Well® program is customized and holistic, always keeping in mind the other main elements, exercise and nutrition.

You can track your progress and receive feedback from the mobile health monitoring devices that you have selected, which are connected to the app we have developed for your Smartphone. These technologies will keep you motivated and are easy to use. On top of that, you can purchase additional supporting devices and many other items from our selected partners with discount in the web shop.

Furthermore, In case of Your WoW Experience, the destinations that you can choose from for your annual stay are fully equipped to allow you to follow your personal program with the main focus on relaxation. During your week's stay you can follow many different classes and courses and you will get personal advise and training in this respect based on your PHMP® and what you have achieved so far.

Coaching Videos
With your Relax Well® program, you will be guided on the relaxation element throughout the year to be able to continuously improve your lifestyle and helping you to attain your goals. This will assure you to fully benefit from the relaxation program that we have created for you and to develop insights and techniques.

You will have access to numerous coaching videos in the field of physical and mental relaxation. If your PHMP® suggests you should relax more, we offer you a wide range of suitable relaxation videos in that respect. As an example, you may choose a video to help you sleep better or to improve your daily focus on your job.

Home Training Kit®
The WoW Home Training Kit® consists of an exercise mat, an exercise ball, a resistance tube and two weights. This kit is part of your program and you will receive it when purchasing your membership.

Together with the coaching videos, you are able to implement your relaxation program with the assistance of a coach. In each video this professional coach will demonstrate the use of the Home Training Kit®, for example during specific Yoga exercises. 

Affiliated Yoga & Meditation Centers
We will provide you with a custom-made relaxation program based on your PHMP®. As regards to the relaxation element, you can customize your program for example with Yoga sessions or Meditation classes in an affiliated center in your area that we have pre-selected for you. Here you can follow individual classes or group sessions tailored to your needs.

These selected centers offer a wide variety of classes and courses all guided by professional instructors. Furthermore, they are fully equipped to allow you to follow your personal program with the main focus on relaxation. For an overview of the affiliated Yoga and Meditation centers in your area, please click here.

Massages, Treatments & Therapies
Obviously, relaxation covers much more than just Meditation and Yoga since it can take many other forms. Therefore, different facilities, services and treatments are at your disposal from the partners that are located in your area and that we have pre-selected for you. For an overview of the affiliated partners (not Yoga or Meditation) in your area, please click here. Below you will find some examples and short descriptions of several of the many services and facilities that you can expect.

Examples of Massage
• Ayurvedic massage.
Ayurveda is a natural health care system that originated in India. It incorporates massage, Yoga, meditation and herbal remedies.  

• Balinese massage.
The techniques include skin folding, kneading and stroking. The massage therapist applies aromatherapy oil throughout the massage.  

• Traditional Chinese massage.
Traditional Chinese massage consists of pushing, stretching and kneading the muscles. Zhi Ya focuses on pinching and pressing at acupressure points. Both are based on principles of traditional Chinese medicine.  

• Hydro Massage.
These treatments use physical water properties such as temperature and pressure for therapeutic purposes to stimulate blood circulation.

Examples of holistic and other treatments
• Thalasso therapy.
The Greek word Thalassa means ‘sea’. Thalasso therapy covers a variety of treatments involving seawater and marine minerals and is often used purely as a detox program. It is said to be effective in treating all kinds of conditions, including eczema, psoriasis, back and muscular pain, arthritis and stress. As the metabolism improves, it can lead to weight loss and a reduction in cellulite.  

• Hatha Yoga.
Hatha Yoga is a yogic path, including physical postures, purification procedures, poses, breathing and meditation. Hatha Yoga, consists mostly of asanas (body position), which is somewhat like physical exercises. It is recognized as a stress-reducing practice.  

• Raja Yoga.
Raja Yoga is primarily concerned with the mind. Because of the relationship between the mind and the body, the body must first be ‘tamed’ and purified through self-discipline. A good level of overall health and psychological integration must be attained before the deeper aspects of Yoga can be pursued.  

• Vino therapy.
Vino therapy is a treatment combining thermal spring water and inigo-elements with wine and grape extracts, to strengthen blood vessels and enhance circulation. Vino therapy is a beauty therapy process where the residue of wine making, the pips and pulp, are rubbed into the skin. The pulp is said to have excellent exfoliating qualities and can help reduce the problems associated with aging.  

Examples of spa facilities
• Sauna.
A sauna is a small room or house designed to experience dry or wet heat sessions. A sauna session usually takes place in temperatures typically between 70°C (158°F) and 100°C (212 F). This induces relaxation and promotes healthful sweating.  

• Hamam.
Hamam is the Turkish variant of a steam bath, sauna or Russian bath. It is distinguished by a focus on water, as opposed to ambient steam. The process involved in taking a Turkish bath is similar to that of a sauna, but is more closely related to ancient Greek and Roman bathing practices.  

Finally, as regards to health technology, you might want to use some extra mobile health monitoring devices in order to make your journey towards your optimal state of wellbeing even more convenient and to provide you with continuous motivation.

If this is still not enough and you want further personal guidance and exclusive services plus an annual wellness holiday in refined surroundings where you can practice what you have learned during the year, then you might want to consider upgrading to Your WoW Experience. You will read everything about that in the next section

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